Become a contributor

The InView community has big plans, and they include you. InView is a platform where you can share stories and opinion pieces (op-eds) that demonstrate your leadership and legal operations knowledge and experience, or your business experience.

We’re looking for high quality ideas and deeply considered, provocative, contemporary insights to help in-house lawyers and legal operations to grow personally and professionally, and to position themselves exactly where they should be: at the heart of every successful business.

You don't have to be the worlds greatest writer, we have a whole team for that. What we are looking for is people with strong ideas, a unique angle, and a contemporary and thoughtful world view from where you are standing.

We are looking for content that falls under these master topics:

  • Insights
  • Value
  • Trust
  • Business
  • Change
  • Mindset
  • Technology
  • Innovation
  • Remote Working
  • Balance
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Career Development

When you write for InView, you’re helping grow a community of like-minded professionals by sharing your expertise and knowledge. This is your chance to champion the industry and share the incredible work you do.

Become or nominate an InView champion
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“This community is a great way to build relationships with your peers and a great way to share your experience with others online.”
Marija Dukadinovska - Legal Counsel and InView community member
"I love being part of a community where I can share my experiences and learn from others who have faced similar issues."
Theo Kapodistrias - General Counsel and community member
“As an InView member you have an opportunity to look into your peers' point of view from all over the world."
Pier Luigi M. Lucatuorto - General Counsel, Corporate Secretary & Supervisory Board Member at Modula, and InView community member